Say'ri Nishimoto

Student of the dark arts, member of the Thaumaturges' Guild

"I'm Say'ri Nishimoto, pleased to make your acquaintance! Pray tell, are you aware of any nearby eateries?"

General Info

Name: Say'ri NishimotoAge: 22Pronouns: She/TheyHeight: 2'10"Race: Lalafell, DunesfolkNameday: 23rd Sun of the 3rd Umbral MoonBirthplace: DomaSexuality: PansexualRelationship Status: SingleLikes: Fishing, a good meal, dancing, studying magic, piggyback rides, readingDislikes: Being treated like a child, bugs, overprotective people, ghostsPersonality: Determined, creative, hardworking, and knowledgeable.Misc Facts:
-Due to being raised in a wealthier household, they have a slightly strange style of speaking. One day, perhaps she will drop the formalities.
-Thinks anyone who can hold their own in battle is hot.
-Cannot cook. She must be kept away from the kitchen.
-Merciless in battle.
-Binds sometimes, depending on their mood.
-Was taught how to use a katana from her mother. Her mother often likes to say that Say'ri had a sword in place of a rattle.

"I knew not my name nor those of my parents as I was carried onto that ship."


It was a dreary day. The winds were relentless and the rain was pouring down upon the two...but naught would stop them from their goal. Doma was no place for a child to grow, they knew that. They wanted their baby to live and thrive. She deserved not to starve or fear harm at the hand of their oppressors. So, they found themselves making one of the hardest choices parents could make...
Paying a sailor with all the funds they had, their child was secured a spot on his ship.
Backs turned to the sea and heads held high, the two felt...bittersweet. All they could do now was hope.
Hope their child arrives safely.
Hope she gets live life freely.

"They raised me as if I was their own. I am forever grateful to them, my dearest parents."

The ship had safely arrived in Kugane. Once there however, the sailor had no desire to watch over a baby. He hadn't been paid nearly enough for that...
And so, he chose a random doorstep to place the child upon. Her fate was out of his hands now.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he slipped away into the black of night.
..."Hideyoshi, what do you propose we do? We very well cannot leave this child to die...that would be cruel.""I'd not think of doing such a thing. over them while I fetch the maid. I'll have her prepare what we'll need."..."Say'ri. That will be your name, little one." The woman hummed as she looked down at the baby in her arms. "You needn't worry anymore. We will keep you safe."
Within two days of finding the child on their doorstep, the Nishimotos had welcomed her into their family.

"I was given all I could ever want, and yet..."

The Nishimotos, being an upper-class merchant family, had all the funds they needed to give Say'ri a childhood of dreams. They were granted good meals, the latest toys, a high quality education, nice clothes—and even a retainer to serve and protect them.
Yet, as they grew and learnt more about the world outside of Kugane, their desires grew as well. It was when she learnt about her race's history that those desires shaped into determination.
Thaumaturgy, a form of magic developed by her ancestors.
Perusing the arcane arts...
The thought was one that seemed placed in her mind by the hands of fate. Say'ri felt as though it was what she was always meant to do.
With plenty of protesting, Ase and Hideyoshi finally agreed to let their daughter travel to Ul'dah to study at the Thaumaturges' Guild.
However, they were not to go alone. Their retainer, Z'Harem, was to join in Say'ri's voyage. (Worthy payment was provided.)
Thus, at the age of 15, Say'ri found herself on a boat once more, heading to a foreign land...

(Sit back, for it is time to address the elephant in the room: Black Mage.)

A secret held close

Years of study alone and with the Thaumaturges' Guild introduced Say'ri to something new—something practically forbidden:
Black Magic.
Becoming outlawed in Eorzea after the War of the Magi ravaged the land, any existing Black Mages were banished to the shadows. If their studies were to become known, they'd deal with hostility, a slew of investigations, and possibly even punishment.
Even so, Say'ri was intrigued by the art. After working tirelessly she was eventually able to find herself a mentor. It was under their teachings that she was able to begin learning the ways of black magic—something which she studied in secret. Only when she believes no one is around will she use her Black Mage abilities. To everyone besides her retainer, she presents herself as a Thaumaturge only.
Current Day
Times are changing. There is now an official research group dedicated to the study of black magic under the leadership of Cocobuki. The group came to be after Lalai presented her research to Prioress Dewlala. (Read/watch the lvl 80 Black Mage quest if you are confused.)
The stigma behind black magic and Black Mages will take a long time to go away. Therefore, Say'ri still hides her studies, as many still find the magic to be horrid.

"Have you fear? Hehe, worry not. I'll be your sword and shield!"


"You...are from Doma? Pray tell me, what was it like?": Given that she was sent away as a baby, she knows little to nothing about Doma. She longs to learn more about it from someone who lived there. And...maybe they know her birth parents."Ah, a fellow student of the arcane arts!": Fellow magical buddy? Say'ri will talk your ear off. She may be able to teach you things, who knows?You should run.: So, you've made yourself the target of Say'ri's may want to talk your way out of this—or spar and hope for the best. Your choice, really.From Kugane?: If you're from Kugane, there is a possibility you know of the Nishimoto family. Being a wealthy merchant family, not all will be happy with them. Got issues?


  • Roleplay canon divergent content

  • Roleplay in dungeons

  • Accept walk-ups

  • Roleplay mature themes

  • Do short or long term roleplays

  • Discord and in game roleplay


  • Roleplay with WoLs

  • Permadeath

  • Roleplay with anyone under 18

  • God modding

  • Deal with Mary/Gary Sues

  • Associate with anti LGBTQ+ people

  • Deal with anyone who treats lalafellin folk like children

About me & Active Hours

Welcome welcome~! I'm Cecil, but you may refer to me as whatever you see fit. My pronouns are they/them.
I am a long time roleplayer, however I am still behind when it comes to the XIV story (I am lame). I enjoy in character interactions while in game, but roleplays over Discord are alright as well!
You can catch me online most evenings.
Below you can find links to my other characters carrds: Ayune and Edel.

Do you think of Lalafellin folk as children?

Ah, then you can fuck right off.